Esra's Prohpecy (Book 3 An Angel-blood Novel) Page 2
When they finished eating, Analie arranged for a carriage to take them to the sanctuary. She was determined to keep them safe from Natalie and Jeziel.
Aura joined her sister Rita. “Where are Meredith and Desiree?” “They took off after the committee awarded Caspian an annulment. I guess they were afraid charges would be filed against Desiree. Did you know that she’s pregnant with Richard’s child?”
“We can’t worry about that now. Natalie and Jeziel will show up eventually. This is one more thing we can add to the long list of crimes they’ve already committed.”
“Aura, they said one of the girls was Monica? Is it the same Monica that’s been staying at the Academy? The Devereaux’s cousin?” Will asked.
“She was pretending to be the Devereaux’s cousin, but Monica is actually Natalie. Her identity was changed again, by another Enchantor.”
“If Yvette and Yvonne knew who she was, that means their father was working with Richard,” Joshua said.
Henry turned to Arthur. “We need to dismiss Phillipe Devereaux immediately and have himreplaced,” Henry said. “You’ll do no such thing. My father has already had this conversation with you, Henry. Phillipe Devereaux is more valuable to us in his current position,” Aura said. “I can attest that the Devereaux sisters didn’t know anything about this.”
“Which also means that the girl those brothers thought was Natalie, was actually Jeziel. Maybe now Aidan will believe you about her?” Rita said.
“I doubt that Aidan will believe Jeziel has done anything wrong. He’ll probably just explain that they wanted Richard’s body so they could give him a proper funeral,” Aura said. She knew the real reason the body was taken, but there was no need to discuss that yet.
“That doesn’t explain what they did to those brothers,” Rita said. “Should we go looking for them?” Will asked.
“No we have a wedding to attend. I’ll deal with Natalie and Jeziel in due time. I suggest we all return to Aeden. I know some of you would probably like a nap before we leave for the church,” Aura said.
“Are you sure we shouldn’t go after Meredith and Desiree?” Henry asked. “We know where to find them. For now we’ll do nothing, but enjoy a couple of days of peace. That’s what my visions are showing me. I trust we will see you later at the wedding, Henry?”
“I think I’m going to have to skip this one. I’ll have plenty to keep me busy here. Please send Tristan and Jasmine my apologies.” “I’m sure they’ll understand,” Aura said. “Are we ready to go now? I really could use a nap,” Jessica said.
“Yes, and I could use some clothes,” Aura said. They all held hands, and were transported back to her house in the valley. When she returned home, Aura met with the members of the Guild in the library. She explained everything that happened in Utopia, including the part about Jeziel,and Natalie taking Richard’s body.
“Why would they want his body? That doesn’t make any sense,” Adam said.
“We should warn Aidan about this,” Paul said. “No! Aidan needs to see that Jeziel has taken the dark path on his own,” Aura insisted.
“That puts Aidan at a disadvantage,” her father argued. “I’m not sure Aidan would believe that Jeziel was involved in the injuries to those brothers. She will probably place the blame on Natalie and Aidan will believe her. Aidan still trusts Jeziel. For now, he will not be told anything about them taking Richard’s body.”
“Are you sure that’s wise?” Adam asked. “I’m sure they intended to leave those poor men dead. There is no advantage for them to know they survived. I’m more concerned about their daughters being taken. When we get this all sorted out, I’ll see if I can find them. It’s the least I can do. As far as Jeziel is concerned, we’ll do nothing. I’m asking you once again to trust me.”
“We have always trusted you, but don’t you think we should trust Aidan too?” Paul asked. “Aidan feeds Jeziel information, without even realizing he’s doing it. I’ve already had a conversation with him about it, yet he continues to defend her. Perhaps he is being tested too.”
“If you’re correct, aren’t we putting the others in danger by not bringing Jeziel before the Council now?” Adam asked. “They aren’t in any danger. We keep our friends close; our enemies closer. I suggest we wait to see how Jeziel acts at the wedding.”
“You don’t think she would be foolish enough to attend the wedding now do you?” Jack asked. Aura laughed. “Jeziel is arrogant. She believes because she’s Lucifer’s daughter that she’s untouchable; she’s not.” Aura excused herself to check on the girls.
When she got to her bedroom, she quietly opened the door. The girls opened their eyes as soon as they saw her. Aura walked over, and sat on the edge of the bed.
“So you know?” she asked.
“Yeah – we know everything,” Tracy said.
“What are you going to do Aura?” Bren asked.
“I’m going to bring those litt le ones home. Say nothing to no one. We can’t let Aidan suspect that we know the truth. I’ll speak to Michael at the wedding. He will advise me. In the meantime, we have to be careful. We can’t tell anyone else our secret,” Aura said.
Aura knew she was right not to trust Aidan. But her memory was back now, and thanks to her visions, she knew everything too.
Chapter 2
Jeziel and Natalie brought Richard’s body back to the cottage where she was staying. Jeziel wasn’t surprised to find Samhael waiting there for them.
Natalie was a mess. She couldn’t believe her father was dead. Who would guide her now? She hoped Jeziel wouldn’t abandon her too. She needed her to stay, until she could pull herself together. Later, she would have to meet with her grandmother and Desiree.
Natalie couldn’t imagine how they were feeling. She vowed revenge against all of them. Every last one of them would suffer for taking her father from her, but none more than Rita.
Samhael gave her an affectionate pat on the arm. Jeziel realized Natalie had never been introduced to him. “This is Samhael. He’s a good friend to me and my father.”
“I wish we could have met under different circumstances, but I’m sure we will enjoy a close friendship,” Samhael said. He placed Richard’s body across his shoulders, and looked at Jeziel. “You’re father will be pleased.” He quickly vanished, taking Richard’s body with him.
“What did he mean by that?” Natalie asked. Jeziel shrugged her shoulders.
“I don’t understand. My father is dead. Why would Lucifer want his body?”
“Not everything is as it seems.” Jeziel opened the door to the cottage and walked inside, chuckling to herself.
Natalie followed her into the bedroom. “What do you mean?” Jeziel started rummaging through the closet, pulling out one dress after the other and laying it across the king-sized bed. “I can’t tell you now, but know that this fight isn’t over; it’s only beginning.” She held one of the black dresses up and stood to look at her reflection in the mirror. “You and I will resume your father’s plans. We won’t be alone, but before we do anything you need to check on Meredith and Desiree.” She threw the dress down and picked up a red one.
Natalie pushed the dresses to the side, and plopped on the bed, holding her head in her hands. “Desiree was there for the hearing. They were planning tomarry tomorrow. Now my father’s dead, and she’s going to be a single mother.”
Jeziel almost dropped the dress on the floor. “You never told me that Desiree was pregnant. How far along is she?” “She thinks the baby might come in a few weeks, maybe less. She’s having a son - who will grow up without a father thanks to Rita.”
“My father needs to know about this. The child has his blood. I’m sure he’ll want him protected.”
“How can he protect the child, when Desiree is here?” “My father has others who can look after the boy when he’s born. He won’t let anything happen to him. You should leave now for Paris. I’m sure your grandmother is worried sick about you.”
“Are you
coming with me?” “I’ll meet you at Phillipe’s, after I make a stop. We need to wa rn him about your father’s death. I’m certain the Guild will question him.”
“Where are you going?”
A sly grin formed at the corners of her mouth. “I’m going to visit a friend.” “Are you going to see Aidan?”
“His sister is getting married this afternoon, and I want to offer my congratulations. He told me not to come back, but he’ll get over it. First I need to decide what to wear.” She held up the red dress. “What do you think about this one?”
“The dress is fine, but are you sure it’s wise to go to the wedding? The Guild will all be there. I think you should wait until tomorrow,” Natalie protested. “What if Aura told them about Elijah and Ericah?”
“I’ll be fine. If I have any trouble, I’ll call for Samhael. I’m sure they won’t start anything at the reception. Don’t you remember the last wedding we attended? We had such a good time” She started giggling. “Aidan can be such a fool sometimes. When Samhael changed the color of my eyes, I convinced him that I was innocent in Elijah’s death. I almost feel guilty for deceiving him.”
“Aura won’t be fooled! I know she was responsible for my father’s demise. I look forward to avenging his death!”
“Samhael insists my brother Mortriel doesn’t want Aura touched. He wants her for himself.”
“Why would Mortriel want her?” “Because she is connected to those brats my father is holding prisoner. We’re sure one of the girls has the sight, but she has been reluctant to help my father. If Mortriel could capture Aura, the child might be convinced to cooperate.”
“Do you really believe Aidan would allow anyone to touch Aura? You saw how close they were.” “That was before. Since then, they’ve had some difficulties with their relationship. I intend for them to have a lot more. I’m convinced Aidan has Avriel’s ring. Avriel was one of the Angels of the Tier. It’s rumored the ring holds great powers.”
“How do you propose to get the ring from him?”
“I’ll persuade him to give it to me. Once I have the ring, I can control the brats.” “How do you know Aidan won’t give the ring to Aura?” “Humph - Aidan gave her a promise ring. He promised to protect her, nothing more. She is a halfbreed. I can’t believe Michael would allow his only son to marry her. Aidan needs to realize that Aura is not Avriel. Avriel is dead, and she’s not coming back, no matter what they think.”
“You may be mistaken. The children of the Guild are descendants of the Archangels. If you speak the truth and Aura has been reincarnated as Avriel, Michael would want her to have the ring.”
“The ring will be mine; one way or another. I just need a little more time to turn Aidan against Aura. There were two strangers who appeared in Aeden on the same day you arrived.”
“I was never introduced, but Iris seemed friendly enough with them.” “All I have to do is plant a small seed, making Aidan believe that Aura is interested in one of them. The last time we met, they were arguing, furiously.”
“Do you know what they were fighting about?” “I presume it was about me. Aidan was trying to defend me, but Aura was resistant to listen to him. I only need to meet with him a few more times, and then I will turn him completely against her. When I do the ring will be mine and so will Aidan.”
“Aidan won’t give up Heaven. His father would never allow it. He would make him return before letting him join you.” “Michael doesn’t know everything. I’ll meet you after the wedding. Then, we’ll go to London and meet with those other Enchantors. Perhaps they can shed some light on your father’s plans.”
“How long will you be gone?” Jeziel smiled. “That depends on what kind of reception I get. I’ll get word to Phillipe and let him know when to meet me. He should plan to leave the area for a while, unless he wants to be interrogated by the Guild.”
“Phillipe doesn’t fear the Guild and neither do I.”
“Samhael will be invaluable to us. I know he doesn’t have a wife or a girlfriend. You should consider getting to know him better,” Jeziel said.
“Jayden is involved with that servant girl. He acts like he never knew me at all. I will make both of them sorry for their betrayal. Soon, they will all bow to us.”
“We’ll talk to Samhael. He has spent many years here and he has my father’s ear. He’ll guide us. I’m sure of it.”
“Are you sure you can trust him? I don’t get the impression he wants to get involved in our affairs.” “He left most of the work to your father, but with Richard gone, someone will have to take over. I know your father planned to eliminate the government in Utopia first, and then attack the other colonies. This is just a little bump in the road. I can assure you everything will work out. Now I really do have to get ready for the wedding.”
“Just be careful. I’ve already lost my father. I couldn’t bear to lose you too.”
“Don’t worry about me. Aidan will keep me safe.”
Chapter 3
When Meredith and Desiree arrived in Paris, Charisse was sitting in the parlor enjoying a cup of tea and some fresh biscuits. She was still dressed in a floral cotton nightgown and matching robe. Her long blonde hair was hanging loose, giving the appearance that she had only recently gotten out of bed.
Desiree ran to her mother, trying to calm herself. “Richard is dead! Rita killed him,” she sobbed.
Charisse almost dropped her tea cup. “How is that possible? Did they hold Richard’s trial today?” Once Meredith was in control of her emotions, she sat down on one of the winged chairs. Charisse instructed one of the servants to bring a flask of wine, and three glasses, immediately.
She took her daughter’s hand, but directed her questions to Meredith. “Tell me everything,” she insisted. “I arrived to meet Henry this morning. We went to the Hall of Justice together. Minutes after we were there, Will and Joshua showed up with those two girls.” Meredith’s tone was venomous. “I should have suspected something, when I saw them. When Richard arrived with Desiree, Arthur asked her to offer testimony. When she finished, the Committee members were considering our request, when Caspian barged through the doors, demanding to be heard.”
“Caspian is alive? How did he know you were meeting today?” “The Guild must have contacted him. Minutes later Arian came through the doors. He accused Richard of killing his parents and all the other angelbloods.”
“Surely he was mistaken? Why would Richard do such a thing?” Mere dith stared at her friend. Charisse didn’t know about the Crestwell’s and she thought it was better not to say anything. The servants set the flask of wine and the glasses on the coffee table, before Charisse excused them. Her servants were loyal, but there was no reason to involve them in such matters.
Meredith poured a glass of wine and offered half of one to Desiree. “Arian told Richard that it was time that he atoned for his sins. Everything happened so fast. Richard pulled his dagger out of its sheath and threw it at Arian, but before it made contact, Jessica’s whip caught the blade in midair. At the same time, Rita threw her own knife into Richard’s chest, striking him in the heart, and killing him instantly,” Meredith cried.
“Did the Council seize Rita?”
“Arthur said she acted in selfdefense and Henry supported his decision. They all agreed that Richard’s death was justified.” “Does Caspian plan to resume his marriage to Desiree?” “No he asked the Committee to have our marriage annulled,” Desiree sobbed. “He told them the marriage was never consummated by him. He said because I was pregnant, he could not in good conscience stay married to me. His words were, “I never touched her, and I have no intention of ever touching her. I don’t know how hecould have known about the baby,” she continued to sob.
“Did you deny you were pregnant?” Desiree ran a hand over her enlarged belly. “They never would have believed me.” Charisse knew that her daughter had been unfaithful, but she hoped that Caspian would not have returned. “Did the Commission grant him an annulment?”
“Yes! What am I to do now? Richard is dead. My marriage has been annulled, and my child has no father,” Desiree whimpered. “We will raise the child together,” Meredith insisted. “No harm will come to the child,” Charisse assured her daughter.
“We need to contact Phillipe, so he can warn Natalie. I need to make sure my granddaughter is safe,” Meredith said.
“I’ll telephone him now. He’ll want to move his own daughter’s to safety,before the Guild comes to question him.”
“What about us? Surely the Guild will come looking for us too,” Desiree said.
“If the Guild does find cause to question you, what would they find out?” Charisse asked. Desiree’s hand was shaking so badly, she was spilling drops of red wine on her dress. Charisse took a napkin, and started to blot the stain with some water from a pitcher on the table.
“They know about the baby. They can punish me for my infidelity. I could be banished. What will happen to me and my son then? They could also find out about Natalie. They’re already looking for her,” Desiree said.
“Don’t concern yourself with the Guild. I have places we can hide,” Charisse said. “Caspian knows I’m carrying Richard’s baby. If he forces the issue, Icould be excommunicated. I won’t be welcome at any of the colonies and I will be forced to live as a mortal. The Guild could drain me of the angelblood. Then what would I do?”
Charisse tried to remain calm. “You’re both too upset to think clearly right now. Let me speak to Phillipe. Then we’ll have a better idea of what to do. We may need to abandon our home, at least until after the baby is born. Your son should be our first priority.”
“Natalie is my first priority,” Meredith hissed. “Her and avenging my son’s death.”
“I don’t expect you can count on Henry for any support?” Charisse asked.
“Henry would be the first to stab me in the back,” Meredith scoffed. “Richard had a plan for Utopia. Perhaps those Enchantors he met in London could help us. He mentioned that he gave them a valuable book. I’m certain it’s still in their possession. He said if they ever betrayed him, he would burn it. We need to seek them out, after we find Natalie,” Desiree said.