Esra's Prohpecy (Book 3 An Angel-blood Novel) Read online

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  Chapter 9

  Jeziel stopped at her cottage to change, before leaving for Paris. Because of the time change it would be close to seven in the morning. She was in a good mood. She would be spending the morning with Aidan. How could Aura have been so foolish to invite her? She was making the task of turning Aidan against her easier.

  As she approached the Devereaux’s home, she knocked to announce her arrival. She knew Natalie would welcome her presence, but she wasn’t sure how the others would respond to her.

  They would discuss a plan of action to continue Richard’s efforts to gain control of Utopia. Samhael would assist them. He would be most interested about Desiree’s unborn child, considering he would have Lucifer’s blood. She was surprised when Natalie answered the door.

  “Jeziel, I wasn’t expecting you until this afternoon. How was the reception?” “They were certainly not expecting my visit, though they didn’t ask me to leave. Aura even tried to play nice with me. She invited me to go horseback riding with them in the morning. Did you get any sleep last night?”

  “Some -how did Aidan respond when you showed up? Was he upset with you?” “I reminded him that he told me about the wedding. They had fireworks, and when I saw everyone kissing each other; I kissed Aidan.”

  “Did Aura say anything?”

  “No – she was too busy flirting with those twin brothers. I told you, all I had to do was plant a seed. Aura is making my job easy. It won’t be long, before I have Aidan and the ring.”

  “Charisse thinks it would be better if my mother and I stayed with you, until after the baby is born. She can hide Desiree, and it will make it more difficult for the Guild to trace us if we separate.”

  “Are you sure you want to be so close to the Guild?” “They aren’t aware of my ne w identity. Perhaps we can persuade those Enchantors to change my grandmother’s appearance. Then the Guild can’t trace either of us.”

  “You may have a point. It will be harder for them to find her, if we alter her appearance. But are you certain those Enchantors will help us?”

  “My father gave them a powerful book of spells. He promised if they were unfaithful to him, he would burn it. Apparently, there are some dark, ancient spells written in the pages, and I know Claudia doesn’t want it destroyed. They have a daughter who remains in Mahlyssa’s care. My father wanted them to demand custody of her.”

  “Do you remember how to find them?” “Yes I’ll remember the house when I see it. We’ll ask them to change my grandmother first. Then, we can go to my cottage and get you both settled.”

  “You’re asking me to leave Desiree unattended?” Meredith asked, as she and Charisse walked into the room.

  “I can take her somewhere safe. Phillipe agrees it will be best to separate,” Charisse said. “Then we’re decided. We should leave as soon as possible. I don’t know how long we’ll have, before the Guild shows up.” Jeziel looked at Charisse. “How will we contact you?”

  “Phillipe will know how to reach me. I’ll advise him of our plans.”

  “After we meet with the Enchantors, we can return for Meredith’s belongings.”

  Meredith hugged Desiree and thanked Charisse. “Are we ready?” Jeziel asked. “It’s after midnight in Aeden, and I have a date in the morning.”

  “As ready as we’ll ever be,” Natalie said. They held hands and vanished instantly.

  “Don’t pack too much, we can shop when we get there,” Charisse told her daughter.

  “Can I take the pictures of Richard?” “I see no reason why not, but realize you need to move forward with your life now. Richard is gone and we need to protect his son. Do you understand?”

  “I hope you’ll allow me a few days to grieve. Richard was my life and now that he’s gone, I don’t know how I’m going to manage.” “You’ll manage the same way I did when your father died. You have strength you never knew you had, and you will need it to get through this. Pack a bag; we’ll be leaving after I speak to Phillipe.”

  When Charisse was convinced Desiree was out of ear shot, she placed another call to Phillipe. One of the servants answered the phone, and said hewasn’t available. He was on a sabbatical with his family, and they didn’t know where they were, or when they would be returning.

  “Would you like to leave a message Madam?”

  “If he calls, tell him his sister has gone to the island. He’ll understand.”

  “Is there anything else you want me to tell him?”

  “Tell him only two of us will be making the journey. It’s crucial that you tell him that.”

  “I’ll deliver your message as soon as he calls Mrs. Devereaux.” “Thank you I won’t keep you any longer.” Jon Pierre Devereaux bought the island for Charisse as a wedding gift. Only his brother and family knew of the location. Charisse kept a small staff there at all times. She called ahead announcing her plans, so the house could be readied. They would be safe there until the baby was born.

  Desiree packed a small bag, containing some photographs of Richard, and a change of clothing. “Are you ready to go?” Charisse asked.

  “I suppose so.” Desiree looked around. She kept hoping Richard’s death was just a nightmare, but the reality was confirmed by her mother’s anxiety. For now, she would follow her mother’s instructions. Protecting her unborn son was her highest priority.

  Chapter 10

  Natalie guided Jeziel and Meredith to the Cavanaugh’s home in London, without difficulty. “We don’t have much time. I need to be in Aeden before eight so I can change. We’ll have about six hours.”

  When they approached the front porch, Claudia answered the door.

  “I wasn’t expecting you; was there a problem with your appearance?”

  “May we come inside? We have a great many things to discuss with you,” Natalie said.

  “Of course, where are my manners? Please come in, and take a seat in the parlor. I’ll have the servants prepare some tea.” Claudia asked one of the servants to prepare a pot of tea and bring four cups for her and the visitors. “What brings you here today?”

  “My father is dead,” Natalie said.

  “What? How did it happen?”

  “Perhaps I should first introduce my companions to you. This is my grandmother Meredith, and my cousin Jeziel. We need to speak to you about my father’s plans.”

  “Your father didn’t entrust us with that type of knowledge. He only requested we go to Aeden and reclaim our daughter, who has been in the care of Mahlyssa.”

  “He didn’t ask anything else of you?” Jeziel asked. “Only that we change his daughter’s appearance, nothing more,” Claudia insisted.

  “We may need your services yet again. My grandmother needs to have her appearance altered,” Natalie said.

  “Your father paid me extremely well for my past services, what are you prepared to offer me?”

  “We are prepared to offer your life,” Jeziel said harshly. Claudia suddenly became fearful of her guests. “I kept my word and did asyour father asked. Why would you threaten me?” Natalie continued. “My father gave you a book. I trust it is still in your possession? He also told you, if he needed your services again, you would help him, or he would destroy the book. Is that not true?”

  Claudia relented. “What would you ask of me?” “Change my grandmother’s appearance. Then you’ll go to Aeden, and do as my father requested. Mahlyssa has betrayed him, and it’s time she realizes there are consequences for her betrayal,” Natalie said.

  “We intended to demand custody of our daughter. We were merely waiting for your father to advise us when to take action.” “The time is now! How long will it take to change my grandmother’s appearance?” Natalie said.

  “We can make the transformation now if you like. I’m sure I have everything I need in the other room.”

  “Where is your husband? I trust he won’t be a problem.” “Colin went for a walk. He should be returning shortly. By that time your grandmother will have a new identity. You real
ize there is a time difference between here and Aeden? Perhaps we should wait until the morning to make our demand.”

  “We’re aware of the time difference. Since I have to get them settled today, I will expect you to leave tomorrow at three in the afternoon. That should put you in Aeden by nine in the morning. I’m sure they’ll find them home at that hour,” Jeziel said.

  “Then it’s decided, you’ll go to Aeden tomorrow. I trust you will not betray us,” Natalie added.

  “I have always kept my word in the past. There is no need for you to doubt my loyalty now,” Claudia said. “Perhaps you should have her change your appearance again too,” Jeziel said to Natalie. “Then we can be sure that no one will recognize you.”

  “Jeziel is right. If we are to be that close to the Guild, we want no chances,” Meredith said.

  Claudia walked Meredith and Natalie to one of the back rooms. “Do you have any special requests?”

  “I haven’t given it much thought. As long as the Guild doesn’t recognize me, I’ll be satisfied.”

  “Perhaps we should both be blonde with blue eyes. Surely the Guild won’t recognize us then.”

  “One of their daughters is a powerful seer. It’s quite possible all of this is for naught.”

  “Perhaps, but we can still ask Samhael to help us,” Natalie said. “Do what you must, so I can get settled in my new home,” Meredith said.

  After half an hour Claudia walked them to a full length mirror. “I trust you’re satisfied with the results?” They both stared at each other. They looked like mother and daughter. Claudia was wise to make Meredith appear older than Natalie.

  “Have you given any thoughts to your new name? You’ll also need a background story of where you came from,” Natalie told her grandmother.

  “Perhaps I will use the name Athena,” Meredith said. “Isn’t she a character from Greek mythology?”

  “Yes-as I recall she was a goddess. Quite befitting don’t you agree?” Natalie laughed. “It is certainly an unusual name to say the least. You really are beautiful grandmother. Not that you weren’t beautiful before.

  They walked out to the parlor to meet Jeziel. “What do you think?” Natalie asked. “I doubt anyone would recognize her now, not even your grandfather.” “Perhaps I shall visit Utopia to see if I can gather any information. My servants are still there. I have no doubt they have remained loyal to me. What story should I use when I suddenly appear out of nowhere?”Meredith asked.

  “I’m sure Henry doesn’t know all of the friends you have in Paris. You can tell him Meredith invited you as her guest. You won’t be able to wear your tiara. My refusal not to wear my wedding ring cost me my identity,” Natalie said.

  “What if Henry asks me about Meredith’s whereabouts?” “Tell him she decided to take a sabbatical because she is grieving the loss of her son,” Jeziel said. “No one will question that, knowing how close you and Richard were.”

  ‘We’ll get you settled into Jeziel’s house. Then we can discuss our plans. I think we all need to get some sleep.”

  “I won’t get another goodnight sleep until justice is served!” Meredith seethed. “It will only be a matter of time before we can follow through with Richards plans. I swear to you on my life, we will make the Guild and all who follow them pay,” Jeziel promised.

  As they were walking out the door, Natalie reminded Claudia of her oath. “I don’t have to see the book to burn it,” she said. “I trust you’ll keep your part of our bargain.”

  “How am I to contact you if we have problems taking the child?” “You need only call my name and I will come immediately,” Jeziel said. “For your sake, let’s hope you don’t have any problems.”

  “These are the same people who killed Richard. I doubt they will let us just walk in, and reclaim custody of my daughter.” “If you have any trouble, you will inform us immediately. We have alternative methods for getting what we want,” Jeziel assured her.

  The three of them walked out the door, leaving Claudia there to wonder about her fate.

  Just as they cleared the property, Colin returned home. “Who were those people?” he asked Claudia. “The auburn haired girl was Lucifer’s daughter, Jeziel. The two blondes are Natalie and her grandmother Meredith. I just altered their appearances. They want us to leave tomorrow, and claim Shannon from Mahlyssa.”

  “I thought we agreed Shannon was to be left in the care of Mahlyssa. What’s changed your mind?” “I never agreed to any such thing. Richard is dead. Apparently his daughter and her friends are running the show. They alluded that if we don’t help them, they’ll destroy the book and us too.”

  “I told you we should have never helped Richard. His daughter is even more ruthless than him. What else did they say?” “I asked what would happen if Mahlyssa refused to give Shannon back to us. They said we should notify them immediately. Jeziel said they hadother means to get what they wanted.”

  “I have a bad feeling about this Claudia. Changing someone’s appearance is one thing, but asking us to go against the Guild, is something entirely different.”

  “What would you have me do? I can’t ignore their demands. They’ll know how to find us.” “We never should have accepted that book. I knew it was trouble, the moment you took it. Now, you have probably sealed our fate,” Colin said desolately.

  “They can’t read the spells. If they were capable of that, Richard would never have given us the book. Perhaps there is something hidden in the pages that will benefit us,” Claudia said.

  “If nothing else, we can alter our appearance. But it will mean giving up everything we have here.” “I will not give up anything. As long as they think we’re valuable to them, they’ll have to keep us alive. I think we should try to relax. Tomorrow will be a busy day.”

  “It may very well be our last day,” Colin said. “I’ll not put my daughter in jeopardy, under any circumstances. You do what you please, but I don’t want to be involved with any of this. Wasn’t it enough you killed our friends with your spells? We could have stayed with Mahlyssa, and watched our daughter grow up. Now once again, you are consumed with darkness.”

  “I hoped you would want to see your daughter again. I just need some time to interpret the spells. I’m asking you to trust me Colin.” “I trusted you before, and it cost me the love of my life. This will not end well. You are a fool to think otherwise. If Lucifer’s daughter is involved, we are doomed. I prefer to spend the last part of my life at least trying to do the right thing. You may not believe it, but I am convinced there is an afterlife, and I would personally like to be part of it.”

  Colin turned and walked towards the workshop, where he closed the door behind him. “He is a fool,” Claudia muttered. “They could give us everything we ever dreamed of; money, power; perhaps even immortality. I won’t betray them regardless of what he thinks.”

  Claudia went to the sideboard where she kept the book. She sat in a recliner, and continued her reading. Perhaps she would find the answers she sought in the pages of the ancient text. She had to at least try.

  Chapter 11

  Jeziel and her companions arrived at her cottage just before two in the morning. She directed Meredith to one of the spare bedrooms. Natalie already had her own room.

  “Perhaps you and your mother can go shopping in the morning, while I’m out with Aidan.”

  “I’m sure she’ll like that. You should get some sleep. You have to leave in less than six hours.”

  Jeziel kissed her cousin and the girls went into their bedrooms. “I will sleep well tonight. Tomorrow, Aidan will be one step closer to leaving Aura.” Jeziel stripped off her clothes off, and climbed into bed, wasting no time in falling asleep.

  Meredith entered the room, and was surprised to find it so quaint. It was much smaller than her bedroom at home, but it would serve her needs. The queen sized bed was at least comfortable, and there was a private bath with a garden tub and shower.

  The wine kicked in and Meredith found she was
tired. She hoped she wouldn’t dream about Richard. Her mind needed a rest. Tomorrow would be another day and she could think about him then.

  She looked in the mirror over the dresser and smirked. Even Henry would not recognize her now. She would definitely visit Utopia. Perhaps tomorrow or the next day, but she would visit.

  Natalie looked at herself. Jeziel was right. No one would recognize her now. She was beginning to like being a blonde. She would sleep tonight, because tomorrow, she would be closer to avenging her father’s death.

  Phillipe and his daughters spent the night at a hotel in Florida, before leaving for the Caribbean to meet with his wife.

  Marie Devereaux was a stunning woman with dark blonde hair and light blue eyes. They found her on the beach the next morning. “Phillipe I wasn’t expecting you and the girls. Is everything alright?”

  “Where is your sister?”

  “She left yesterday. I thought I would stay a couple more days. It’s so relaxing here.”

  “We need to talk Marie. It would be better if we went to your room, where we can have some privacy.”

  Without hesitating Marie gathered her things, and the four of them proceeded to her room.

  “Did you pack a bag?” she asked her daughter’s.

  “Dad said we could do some shopping while we’re here,” Yvonne said.

  “They have some wonderful shops not far from the beach. I can take you there later. Now what’s all this about Phillipe?” “I don’t know where to begin, so I’ll just hit the highlights. Richard Fairbourne was killed yesterday. I had to withdraw the girls from the Godwin Academy because I fear the Guild may want to question them.”

  “Question them about what? They have no knowledge about Richard. They barely know him.” “Since you’ve been gone, Richard was a frequent visitor to our home.” Phillipe continued to tell Marie everything, including how he helped keep Natalie hidden after her identity was changed.

  Marie sat quietly for a minute, trying to digest what her husband just told her. “You’ll go to the Guild immediately. I still have friends in Aeden. I’ll make a call to Eve and Angie. I’ll tell them you want to meet with the Guild. I am only going to ask you this once Phillipe. Did you have anything to do with those deaths?”